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Blue Sky Fair Trade Products

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Blue Sky is proud of our clothing that lets you express the bohemian side of yourself while still looking fresh and modern. One of the reasons we feel proud of our products is that they are produced under fair trade principles and we thought it would be good to discuss for a moment what that means to us, to the workers who manufacture our goods, and to you, the consumer. The goal of fair trade practices is to help alleviate extreme poverty that is often found in the countries that produce goods for the United States market. Fair trade standards mean that workers are treated with respect with regard to working and living standards and that they are paid a fair wage and work under circumstances approved by the International Labor Organization. Fair trade workers usually work in small scale operations instead of large factories or sweatshops. Environmental concerns also play a role in Fair Trade practices. Fair trade producers attempt to limit waste and energy consumption. Fair trade standards mean that all workers in the production of goods are treated with human dignity.

What does this mean for us? It means that we can be part of a production to consumer chain that benefits everyone along that chain, not taking advantage of other humans based on the location and station of their birth. By doing that we fully take part in our humanity as well. For you, the wearer of our boho chic clothes, it means you know that with every hula hoop you swing around your waist or every dance step you take in our clothes, you know you are part of a chain that is helping to bring the world together in equality. That is what the Blue Sky lifestyle is all about.